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Hey there folks!

Here it is, the third volume, covering the story all the way up to chapter 400 and finishing the first major arc of the story.


We made it!

Huge thanks to everyone of you for supporting the story, reading and enjoying it. I wouldn't have kept at it for this long without you.

If you're interested, you can grab volume 1 and 2 for 99 cents each right now! Much value! So wow!

If you're hanging out for the audio, it's deep in production and should be with us soon(ish). Grab a copy, leave a rating or a review! That stuff helps way more than you might realise.

Thanks again, you're the best. ^^




I adore the cover art.


I'm speechless over it, it's so good. My Dad actually printed it onto t-shirts and gave them to me for Christmas! ^^


Congratulations. More grub tickling for you.

Rahsheem Reid

Loving the cover art and seeing the first big baddie Gargolash (spell check) in the background.

Koala Man

Is there links to get the books?


YESSSS! I wants the audio too!

Putrescent Ego

Beautiful, I would buy if was physical 😭😭


How do I acquiressss itsssss? Fors 99 cents?!? I shall have itssssss!