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Just a quick update about the health situation with the family. Lot's of people have made very kind comments and I've read and appreciated them all.

The kids are fine and dandy now, no more covid, no more symptoms, living the high life. Somehow my wife and I managed not to catch it, which was a minor miracle. Despite me coughing spluttering and feeling generally garbage, I still haven't tested positive for covid and ended up going to the doc and getting treated for a chest infection.

I'm largely mended now. Bit of a cough, still got a headache, but the worst of it is over, thankfully.

Now my time is largely taken up with editing. I've got THREE books to get out the door, Chrysalis volume 1, 2 and Book of the Dead volume 1.

The Chrysalis volumes need to be out the door by the end of the month, so I'm going pretty hard on those. Soundbooth theatre want to record the two volumes back to back in August, so the push is on!

I'll do my best to keep the chapter output up, but please be patient for the next few weeks. I likely won't ever have to deal with so many books in such a short timeframe again, so hopefully this never comes up a second time.

At least I hope so... :S

Thanks again to everyone who left nice comments or sent kind messages. I appreciate! You're all good people! 



Glad you guys made it through alright, take care and hang in there!

Anthony Romanov

RinoZ your health is important. Mandatory rest is a must. Just keep us updated once in awhile. We worry about you and your Colony (family). Best of wishes and hope everyone gets well.


Chapter updates are not as important as your health do what you can and I'm sure we will all be satisfied.

riley st john

You need your own sleep ninja ants. To make sure your mandatory rest is followed. Definitely take as long as you need thank you for the amazing content


Glad to hear things have and are improving. Be sure to take a rest whenever you can, and in my opinion, don't worry too much about writing new chapters for now when everything's already this busy. 1 thing at a time. :)


Glad to hear you are doing well, and that you are busy on editing, but I would have apreciate it if you would have given us the news that you'll relese less chapters 7 days ago before Patreon renewed the suscription... Anyway...good luck with the editing

Dan K

As one of my favorite YouTubers always says at the end of his videos. “And, no matter what your doing today. Remember to make some time for fun. Toodleoo”


That is a good call and I apologise for not thinking of it.

Sean Hibbitt

Goodluck with the books!


Funny, I've just gotten over covid to. Turns out it's going around the cruise ships and those infected passengers get shuttled up to Denali park in the US. I think i was infected at a restaurant there as otherwise I've only been around people outside. Anyways that location is now under a mask mandate. Cruise lines seem so irresponsible being open right now.