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Double chaps? Whoo! That's five for the week people. I'm desperately trying to get back into the groove and hit my targets, starting with getting all five chapters of Chrysalis out before the weekend hits.


The Colony has distinguished itself in battle across its existence, displaying sharp tactics, excellent training and sound strategy at all levels of warfare. Such a thing is highly unusual for a swarming monster type, but the irregularly high levels of intelligence obviously made it possible for the ants to accomplish many things that are atypical.

In small numbers, they are smart. They move quickly, engage carefully, retreat expeditiously and attack aggressively when the opportunity presents itself. The cast system provides them a strong balance of specialists, making teams of ants well positioned to handle a wide variety of situations.

In larger groups, they become very deadly. Capable of digging and fortifying positions in a matter of hours, they can be expensive to dislodge the moment they gain a foothold. With a strong command structure and perfect discipline, they present no weaknesses, no chinks in the armour. They must be confronted directly, head on, or not at all. Only a skilled and determined force can match them.

In a swarm, they show their true might. The endless tide of ants is a foe like no other that I have ever witnessed. The concentrated power of their collective is overwhelming and they will sweep away whatever lies in their path. Against that indomitable horde, I have seen nothing succeed, and I have tried much.

  • Excerpt      from the war diary of an unknown general.

Advant watched as a continues stream of ants marched through the portal, four by four. There wasn't room for more sadly, the big soldiers barely fit, side by side.

The scouts could fit through five by five, and the generals six by six, which helped.

The Colony was going all out in its assault against the rivals they had found here in the fourth stratum. Every member of the family felt the burning rage within their inner core, an unsettling anger that would not end until either they, or the termites had been put to rest. As always, the Eldest had the right of it, they could not both exist on Pangera, one had to go.

Despite the muscles in her face going stiff, she maintained a strict salute, her antenna bent to her head as rank after rank passed her by. Tier fives and fours, these represented the best of what the Colony had left to offer, the sixes already here and involved in the fight. From what she'd heard, the battles above had been intense, a great deal of new territory had been conquered for the family, new demon cities brought into the fold.

Which meant experience and Biomass flooding into the warriors of the Colony. More powerful Soldiers, Mages, even the core shapers had reaped a rich harvest in the fighting above. Along with the victories that had been won here, the Colony continued to develop at a frightening speed.

Still, she couldn't wait for it to be over. When the enemy had been put to rest, its queens destroyed and brood feed to the larvae, they could retreat back to higher in the Dungeon, concentrate on developing their holdings, refining their advancements. With the added security of having the Mother Tree locked in as an ally, the Colony would finally have a chance to catch its breath.

At least she hoped so.

More and more ants marched past. From the flashing light of the portal they emerged, turned to meet her salute, and then vanished down the roots and underground, on their way to the front. This would be the largest force the Colony had gathered in its history, the largest battle they had ever fought.

When she'd seen the numbers, she'd been shocked to her core, but had been assured that this was what it would take. Nothing short of overwhelming victory could be accepted here, anything less would lead to a protracted fight that would distract and divide the Colony.

Half a million ants would join the assault. An unprecedented gathering of ant might.

Some of the tier fours were fresh recruits, graduates from the academies in the first stratum! The Colony was going all in.

When the last of the reinforcements had passed her by, Advant sighed and flexed her sore antenna, grooming it carefully to settle her nerves. She should be confident, the Eldest was involved in the attack, along with all the most powerful fighters in the Colony. Surely they couldn’t fail, not with everything that they'd brought to bear.

Even the Mother Tree had committed the upper limit of what she could spare. Powering the gateway to bring this many monsters to the battle hadn't been cheap, or easy. Nothing was being held back.

Unexpectedly, the gate flashed again, and through it came something she hadn't expected to see. Humans, golgari, a few folk, each with their spears, shields and matching uniform. The ranks weren't as neat as the ants had been, the precision wasn't there as they turned to salute her, but from them she could sense a vibrant fighting spirit. Mixed in amongst them were the brown robes, floppy antennae attached to the hoods. The preachers had also come.

The Colony had specifically not made any requests of their allies for this fight. Yet here they were, answering a call that had not been made.

Most shocking of all, at the end of the column came five ants, each bearing an individual on their back! Strange saddles had been attached to them and the riders sat comfortably, perhaps even proudly, atop their… steeds?

"What on Pangera is going on here?" she demands of the passing ants.

"Cavalant reporting, general," the lead ant snaps out a quick salute. "We are the inaugural ant cavalry division. The generals required all legs on the tunnel floor so we have been taken out of training and sent to help."

"You're still in training?" Advant asks dubiously. "Are you sure you're ready for this?"

"We are. Isaac here was the first to gain the class change that allowed him to ride on an ant, but others have followed since. We are still working things out, but we will be an asset on the field, I can assure you of that."

"Very well. Report below."

"I will, general."

The bizarre ant cavalry followed behind the foot troops as they marched down and into the tunnels below. Still not quite believing what she was seeing, the Soldier followed in their wake and watched as the troops were broken up and deployed along the front, generals waiting at intervals in the tunnels to direct each battalion, each unit, each squad to the correct position.

This battle was going to be short, vicious and sharp. A hammer blow to break the enemy once and for all.

Advant wandered the lines, talking to the many ants she encountered along the way. It was incredible to see so many fighting fit members of her family assembled in one place. On the surface, everything appeared calm, but down here in the tunnels, every inch of ground seethed with ants. Every cast was here. Almost all of the council members as well.

The tunnels were packed. Every chamber was packed. Ants were climbing on top of each other to make space. Ants were sleeping, engaged in torpor, standing right on top of each other. She could barely move for all the bodies packed into the staging grounds and it went on, and on, and on.

Soon, this heaving tide of chitin and fury would be unleashed upon the unsuspecting termites and ka'armodo not so far away. They wouldn't know what hit them.



Personally, I prefer learning important lore at the same time as the MC. Sometimes having the reader know stuff the MC doesn't can cause problems


Chapter 1000 could be about tolly noting the legion of ants going downwards and trying to investigate

Sam Beasley

I'd like to see the Colony encounter a spawned Formica Sapiens. Not a colony, just one. An ant without a Colony. The horror.


Can 1000 be about how the folk found out about the colony and why they are thinking or their future relationship?

Nathan Quitugua

TftC, and honestly its amazing. The full organized might of the colony is on proud display. I just worry about the aftermath. While I don't think the Mother Tree will betray the colony...cause even she knows that would be a dumb idea especially with how much they helped her and saved her children. But unhinged people do unhinged things... But this is war and plans never turn out as well, especially considering that information gathering is scarce in these times. Communications and Reconnaissance were game changers in War. So were cavalry actually, namely stirrups. But i doubt its ever going to be as easy as they think

Jac Onue

Except Tolly's timeline is set in the future (or at least that's how I read it).

Jac Onue

I don't think revealing lore (which you planned to do in the future) at 1k is worth it. How about a PoV from some surface human kingdom (possibly in the future, or perhaps current time line) and their thoughts on having monster-cooperating humans as their neighbors? In a similar vain, a PoV from the 3rd stratum (be it from demons or some other race) about their thoughts on the colony's aggressive expansion and demon utilization.


chap 1k could be the kaarmodo perspective as the well oiled ant machine, aka colony, comes crashing down on their heads


💋💋💋 love this story wish author was a legion of ants so it could be released every minute muahahahahah

Crackbabypower 60

Can’t wait for the cavalants. The plop machine charges

Rahsheem Reid

Chap 1000 gotta be good