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Oh boyOh boyOh boyOh boyOh boyOh boyOh boyOh boyOh boyOh boy.

I know it isn't relevant to all of you, but Chrysalis Volume 1: The Antventure Begins is going live around the world over the next however many hours and I figured I should put an announcement post in!


If you like Chrysalis and want to see the new, edited and marvelous text, then feel free to check out the magnificent work that was done on the book here:


And the audiobook, which is amazing, you can on audible! 


Frank Moore

Wooot! The audiobook is live USA. Downloading now.

Frank Moore

Rinoz, is BoD goig to be an audiobook?


I believe so! It's been signed for release with Aethon as well.

Jac Onue

In the Amazon blurb it says: "this completed revised" should probably be "completely." Anyway, good luck with the launch :)

Anthony Romanov

Well there goes my wallet 🙃


Nice to see a spelling error that wasn't my fault for a change! Gweheheheh


Good Job man, well deserved!


congrats! also good or bad news for u is always relevant, it affects ur schedule good or bad. such an amazing story needs to b shared with the world, u deserve it and have more than earned this. :D


This is fANTastic news.


Soundbooth theater douse great work.

kalada William-jumbo

@RinoZ is there an option/way I can buy the book and have you sign it? It would be nice to have a keepsake.