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Hey there folks.

Super sorry about the lack of updates last week. I did mention I was unwell, but I may as well elaborate a little.

I actually threw my back out at the gym, which wasn't the most fun I've ever had. I have a bad back at the best of times (couple of bulging discs, good times) which left me scuttling about like a crab and not really able to sit for too long.

For extra comedic effect, my wife badly rolled her ankle and ended up on crutches a day later, so the two of us have been hobbling about joking about this preview of our old age.

So the focus has been on making sure the household has been running rather than getting much work done. Feeling much better this week after some treatment and am back in the saddle.

Chapters coming later today!


Frank Moore

Glad you feel better. I hope your wife is better also. Take the time you need for life. The books are worth the wait.


Hope you both are feeling better soon


Aww man that sounds awful. Me and my wife crack up during times like that too. Take it easy!! I know even sitting hurts at times. 😅


Take the time you need. Your writing is not as important as your health!


Be careful my friend - those back injuries are hard to heal if you do not take the time to heal.


ohhh, chapters! plural

Dan K

Gotta take care of yourself physically. If you collapse we get no chapters so take VERY good care of yourself.


See is not that I'm lazy or like being fat. I just don't want to risk my health in the gym. Few extra pounds or a broken spine? Give me that fried chicken!!! Hope you both get well


I've thrown my back out before so you have my full sympathy. Everytime I laughed it sent rolls of unbearable pain through my back, unfortunately nothing can kill my sense of humor so I was often crying in pain with every laugh cause my cute dumb husband would not stop telling me jokes trying to make me feel better lol

seth dauer

Are they chrysalis or BOD chapters?