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It's about that time! Keep in mind, I'll most likely write the two most voted for options. If you arrange a tie again, I'll pick one rather than write three, you need to learn!


Sam Beasley

I know it was a one-off joke, but I still want a story about that one kid in Rylleh who slept through the invasion.

Nathan Quitugua

Considering i just saw the tomb of the unknown soldier and being a veteran myself...this would actually be somewhat personal...


There is also a tomb of the unknown soldier in Australia. Held in very high regard.

Xavier Belmont

These all sound great it's hard to pick only one


The Tomb ritualistic worship of fallen immortal cores to one day seek out death again perhaps they can bring life back to the fallen immortals, as service to the colony is never ending just as they seek eternal rest such greedy immortals must serve forever, as greed is unconscionable to an ant

seth dauer

Other! Definitely voting for more BoD.


Third but sadly we didn’t even get one of the voting options so Tomb is a good second choice


same here so i picked 2, their check boxes its not a pick 1 and only 1 poll, pick all or just ur faves. its more of a popularity contest than a pick ur vote poll. :D fyi i chose #1 titus and minerva (thought it said morrelia so i passed on it at 1st glance, checked some minutes later and thought "waaait... i have made a critical error!" lol) #2 enid and her husband and #3 folk come to the rescue back stories. hopefully the rest all come later eventually but we just get to show our appreciation and love and popularity for which 1s we hope comes 1st. <3


no once they die, they die forever, just as reconstituting grant would b an insult to her memory and the sacrifice of all ants. besides an ants becoming a pet is all sorts of weird leaves a bad taste. they forget everything and become a different ant entirely so no rl point, aside from the benefits but that was made clear that anthony wouldnt do it and the ants have similar principles.


Dont even read this but Imma vote for the second nost popular just to play kingmaker.


Ufff in part I want to see the other folk in battle, but in the other part I wanna see the immortals set up a temple you know thatd be funny af


I really wanna see what Brilliant is up to. What are her followers like? Does she have her own order of crazy ants? Do they follow command?


i bet rinoz already got smth cooked up in that regard :-D

Anthony Romanov

While other stories are interesting but when you put story about Leroy, you just skewer the results.


I was just about to vote for Tolley until I saw Leeroy and the tomb of the known solider and I knew that was the one!