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Important bit: Chrysalis chaps today and tomorrow, Book of the Dead tomorrow.

Hey there folks!

Very sorry about the lack of posts last week. The editors cut of Chrysalis vol 1 came back and I had to go through and approve each and every one of those edits, which I spent most of the week and weekend doing. 

The good news is, Volume 1 is pretty much done and ready to head off for recording in the next week or so. 

The first draft of Volume 2 is also done, which is great. 

Having a professional editor go through my work has been a real learning experience. I'm not a technically good writer by any means, and especially in those early chapters I was spamming out words and writing very much in the style of the Chinese webnovels I'd been binging at the time. Much words, so wow. They shaved off a lot of extra stuff and formatted the text. So it looks much nicer, really looking forward to getting it out there!

I get asked every now again for recommendations, so if you want to know what I've been reading recently I can tell you that my regular patrols of the Rising Stars on RR have borne fruit lately. Really enjoyed The Last Orrelan. Hopefully there's more of that coming soon. Braindead, the zombie story got a big chuckle out of me, and I'm interested in the Paranoid Mage, though I can't decide if I like the MC or want him to fail. 

Hope every one of you has had a great start to the new year! Stay safe and have fun out there!



wooh I'm excited for the audiobooks

Rahsheem Reid

How many chaps will volume 1 cover?


imagine being such a good author. Im still salty you beat me one time in LoL

Ben Waschuk

I look forward to buying the fancy official version and rereading the whole series!


You were unlucky, my win rate is atrocious! Playing Kindred badly is my reason for being.


When will you update BOD?


Hoop just you wait the next chapter of paranoid mage goes from 0 to 100 real fast and gets more into the meat of the story from there


I jumped on patreon to read them. Thanks to you guys I get to support a few authors every month. :D


BOD withdrawal fix delayed 1 day


RhinoZ: “I’m not a technically good writer” Me: *Looks at Dove’s 101 creative ways to swear about Selene’s juicy melons* Me: “HERESY”

Rahsheem Reid

I've love how you leaving us wanting more with whatever you write. It's a slow burn that always delivers. The story told is magnetic to my mind. Keep being!


Will the books be hard cover or paperbacks?


What are your deadlines for all the edits on Chrysalis, and can we still expect that juicy potential second chapter of BOD per week when you're donne?


Couldn't get that far into the ant one (I think right around one upping a queen and talking to an older woman?) But keep it going author dude, BOD is doing wonders for me.


You'll be able to order them as either from Amazon I believe.


I still have the second draft of Volume two and the first AND second draft of Volume three, so not for a while yet sadly. :(


Appreciate it! If your on Kindle unlimited, may as well check the volume when it comes out since it'll be free anyway. The writing is a heck of a lot tighter and might read smoother.


So adout the dungeon: theres real danger of your MC trying to punch adove his whigeth class. How adout Leting him become "mobile bungeon" to run away at back off "beasteling" core beast? Can go form there making curila war? And free other dungeons? Or have that he become the "den Mother" of beastlings. Theres no demand that den Mother is A beastling just that hi resaides in beastling room. After/,defore/,that coruption affetcs him "cchaotly" making him able benden t"rules of the game?" After all newbi in losing war is hardry A games chanser but maydy A rule changer?