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[He's close! We need to get all minds on the job. Try and find his mana signature. It'll be hard, he's good at hiding, so we need to get on this now!]

[Anthony…] Sarah's mind hesitantly reaches out to mine.

[Later,] I tell her brusquely, [I can hear what you have to say later. The Colony won't be dissuaded on this, not after what he did.]

I switch my mind directly to my allies.

[Crinis, reach out through the shadows, cover as much ground as you can.]

I reach back and pat her with one antenna.

[This will be a huge strain on you, so be careful. It's important, but not more important than you are.]

[I understand, master.]

[Al, I need you to help track down this worm.]

[I do not understand. Confusion. What is a worm?]

[It's a type of creature that’s long and burrows through the ground. Just try and find the damn traitor, please?]

[I will try.]

As I've been talking all of my minds have already bent themselves to the task of tracing the mana that Jim wove with such cunning. I refuse to believe he's so good that he can hind all evidence of his weaving.


AHA! A sniff!

[This way!] I roar over the mind bridge to my team and we rush northwards. [Crinis! Let's go!]

The blob of pure shadow has already vanished into the darkness, her body totally hidden from sight, so I make sure to call to her before I dash forward like a terrier on the trail. He covered his tracks as carefully as only a true coward can, but he can't compete with my mind power! Once I put Invidia and Al on the case, our grip on his trail becomes even tighter. Unfortunately, he just moving too damn quick!

[Since when was that damn worm so nimble?!] I rant as we rush through the tunnels, brushing past numerous demons who we simply knock to the side, unwilling to waste time fighting them. A quick right hook from Tiny and a dash is usually enough to put them in our rear-view.

[I believe he is travelling down a pre-dub tunnel, master. I can sense it ahead of us.]

[Makes sense, most likely the one he used to reach us in the first place. Any chance we can use it for ourselves?]

[I believe it's collapsing behind him.]


Because of course it is. The only thing this idiot is good for is betrayal and running away! But we have the scent and I sure as hell aren't going to let him off that easy. Run! Like the wind, Anthony! A thousand thoughts try to intrude on my mind as we run. I spent time with Jim. He helped me escape from the golgari as well. He's been Sarah's friend for decades. But none of these things matter, they count for nothing anymore!

To push those impulses away I sink myself deep into meditation, letting my emotions run cold. I can't afford to get distracted when the trail is this faint and hard to follow!

[Crinis? Do you have anything?]

[He's too fast. I'm not able to catch up to him.]

[Don't push yourself too hard. As long as he doesn't get too far ahead then we can follow the trail no matter where it leads.]

The worm must have purchased an organ or skill that helps him hide his mana. I know he's not that far away, but I can't seem to grab hold of his core despite the fact that I should be able to sense it at my level of mana sight. I have a dozen minds out sweeping ahead, hunting for every little skerrick of energy that leaks beyond the fleeing coward's control and it's barely enough to keep track of him.

It shouldn't be all that surprising, considering he's a worm, but he's one slippery character.

[Wait!] I shout as I sense something change. I screech to a halt as I cast my senses about, trying to determine what has happened. My sense of Jim is fading, but not in the way it was previously. The direction has changed…

[He's going up! He might be going to breech the surface!]

[The surface?] Crinis asks, confused.

[Onto the plains! I think he might be leaving the tunnels! Quick! We need to climb!]

With his prepared passage speeding him on his way it takes far less time for the worm to wriggle his way up than it does for us, as we run and climb our way out of the tunnels our hold on the trail grows ever more faint. By the time we reach the plains I can barely sense him at all, only Invidia and Al are doing any better.

[Thissss way.]

[You're sure?]

[Alwaysssss sure!]

[Good enough for me, let's run!]

Back on the plains now, the ground beneath our feet carpeted in battling demon larvae we continue to run as somewhere ahead of us, just below the surface, Jim continues his flight.

[Come on Jim!] I hurl the thoughts forward wildly, blasting out a wave of mind magic which may or may not even reach him. [Didn't you have something to say? Come back! Or are you unwilling to front up to your own crimes?!]

The lack of reply only serves to cause anger to bubble up within me but under the effect of meditation I allow it to flow past me.

[Sarah is right here,] I taunt, [you sure you don't want to let her know why you betrayed her? Did you know she almost died because of you? Why don't you come on back and apologise? My mandibles will welcome you.]

[Anthony!] Sarah growls at me with her mind and I turn my head a little to stare at her.

[… sorry,] I mumble.

If he heard me or not, Jim sends nothing back to us as he continues to increase the gap between us. As the long minutes of running continue to tick by we begin to see what might be his destination. Far ahead a pillar slowly becomes clear through the ash and smoke of the third stratum, and it’s a big one. The plate city has at least four tiers, though it's difficult to see it right now, it's possible that a few smaller ones might be hidden from view at this distance.

It doesn't make much sense, why would he be heading for a city? What demon inside is going to protect him?

[Something comessss,] Invidia hisses.

[Any idea what?]

[No. Sssomething ssssstrong.]

[Keep running. We don't give up the chase.]

At least, that's what I would have preferred, except a few minutes later a power mind reaches out towards us.

[HOLD,] it bellow arrogantly. [Do not trespass into the lands of your betters!]

There's something about the touch of this mind that rubs me the wrong way. I feel as if its tickling my memory somehow, but I just can't put my claw on it… a sense of trepidation rises in me.

[Slow down a second,] I tell the others as I race out ahead.

[Identify yourself!] I fling the demand out wide.

[Insolent! youth I will do so once you have extended the courtesy.]

[Massster. The trail is fading towardsss the city.]

A moment before I decide to throw caution to the wind and commit to the chase once more a unwelcome sight rises up from the plains and stalks atop a high peak not a hundred metres away.

Bejewelled, decked with bright, shimmering cloth and accompanied by two humanoid figures in robes that ride upon its back, the creature looks like nothing so much a large lizard.


Just. Perfect.


Dan K

Had “Rip and Tear” running through my head as I read this chapter.


tftc! Wonder if the Ka'armodo will take Anthony's side if they see he's stronger/more likely to try becoming an ancient? Sarah seemed pretty hesitant so I wonder if she'll end up coming between the two when they finally clash.


I think there's gonna be another war. The Ka'armodo are in conflict with the Bruanchi, and the Colony is erstwhile allies with the Bruanchi, so I think it's likely the Ka'armodo will prove obstinate.

jonathan Wieringa

I thought Anthony was gonna search for Jim with his tunnel mapping. What happened with that skill?


It only works on tunnels/places he has personally explored and I recall it's more like a compass or very basic google maps. The skill is used to not get yourself lost, not to track others.