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Hey there!

For those who don't know, I have been able to shift my work hours down this year which has left me with more time to write, and starting this week that schedule came into effect. Have to admit, having a full day to just sit and write felt so damn good, and I was able to get a ton of writing done. 

This has only been possible thanks to the support of all of you on patreon. I really can't thank you enough.

In terms of scheduling, my goal is to use this time to push Chrysalis publication up to seven days a week, but I probably won't do that immediately. I want to take a couple of weeks to build up my bank of chapters so I have a healthy buffer which can handle the increased publication rate and cover me in case anything comes up. Once that's all been established, I'll look at increasing my work on side fictions also.

It's an exciting time and I have big plans for the novel this year. Thanks to all of you for making it happen! You are literally the best people! ^^



Yep having a buffer is great. Atleast I prefer consistency over "asap but irregular" :)


Congrats also so close to 700 and 6k so about vibrants evolution could we get a chapter later


Im with greyg. Glad to hear things are workings so well and thx for all the effort you put in


I'm so happy for you. Hope everything works out for you.


Manga me pls


It's super cool that you get joy from being able to write all day! I've got to do the same for school.. different reasons, but it really takes the fun out of it lol


Congrats! You’re doing awesome!

Edgar Delibo Jr.

That's great! Thanks as always😊


Thank you


Will we get the pdf when u get published? After all we've been here a long time lol

Edgar maya

👍 keep em coming


I think he means publishing it here. Although I could be wrong , or I misunderstood wut you mean.


Great works take time. So it's only fair you take all the time you want or need. We will always be where you Left us. So please keep doing wut you're doing.


It's not a problem (actually it's a privilege) to support a great writer who really engages with his patrons and consistently delivers top notch work. Take your time building up a stash of chapters so you can also take time off writing if necessary. Do hope we hit 700 patrons soon, and a chapter about vibrants development would be great as a reward!


Just dont ever leave this story hanging I would be heartborke if there where no ending too it. Thank you for this amazing adventure!


Look forward to progress on the side fictions too


no, thank you. your the one doing so well that you generated this support, the fact that put your work out there for free in the 1st place only affirms this. gratz on your success, but to be clear, you made this yourself :)