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I thought it would be funny if, in the future, the Colony had a tradeable collection of plushies made to resemble notable ants.

I did not expect so many comments demanding such objects for sale!

So... I guess we're doing this.

Being frank, I'm a disorganised mess at the best of times, and commissioning work from artists and designers in the past has been a nightmare. I mean, I can barely keep my own stuff together, you think I can stay on top of artists at the same time?! I've been flaked on so many times I feel like I'm eating a literal flake!

(Cadbury Flake is a delicious chocolate bar sold in Australia that is formed of nothing but chocolate flakes melted together. It's great, but messy.)

Not to mention, communicating artistic vision is always hard and I really struggle to get a cohesive vision of how I want Anthony to look.

But I need to get my butt in gear, the people demand plushes!

And so plushes they will have!

I'm going to commission a design for Anthony first, but this is where I need your feedback.

What sort of Anthony do you want?

It was incredibly hard to get the artists to settle on a design I was happy with for the webcomic, and we went back and forth for ages until I pushed them to the current design. It allowed him to be more expressive and communicate his actual character as opposed to looking like a vicious killing machine all the time.

(If you didn't know, the webcomic is up on Voyce.me and frankly, I think they're doing a pretty good job with it.)

Would people like a plush design in that sort of style? Or would you like something different?

If you want something different, try to give me concrete examples (with terms for me to google, or links).

It's impossible to please everyone, but I'll do my best to get something I can be proud of and you can be satisfied with.

If the Anthony plush works out alright, I'll do Crinis, Tiny and Invidia as well.

I seriously don't expect to make money out of this, in fact, I'll probably lose a fair bit, but dammit, I want a set of plushies myself and this is the only way I'm going to get one!


Daan Kindermans

Love the idea but I'm not rich enough to help or get one myself.

Tomáš Markech

I won't be able to get an Anthony myself, but I will say that if this is a limited time thing, go for the current Anthony. If this is something that is to come back every now and then, I would just stick with the happy first/second strata Anthony so he won't get outdated as the story goes on and won't be some random mid-story Anthony, so both new and old fans can enjoy it.


I dont care about Anthony plushy’s I want crinis and Invidia 🥺