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I'm sure it's been noticeable that during the past several months I've been less active everywhere than I usually am. Over the summer some really intense things happened in my personal life, and it's needed me to spend a lot more time with my loved ones and family. As well as spend a lot more time alone to reflect and process these feelings that are fragile and close to me. Usually when my mental health gets bad or heavy things happen, I try to push through it and not let it affect my ability to make art, but this time has been different. It's been difficult making art, both in having access to the emotional state needed to draw, but also in finding the time to do so. 

But, this isn't burnout; I still am dying to keep making art. I am immensely excited to make more art. There's been a lot I've been looking forward to drawing once I am able to more consistently. And so I will, I just need to shift focus and comfort myself by only drawing the things I feel the most inspired to draw. What this means is for me to take an indefinite break from doing the monthly polls. I know this might be disappointing to some, but know that this is not a decision I came to easily. 

We've been doing this since February of 2020, and that is amazing to me. After I draw the poll winner that's decided for September of 2023, I won't be doing the polls anymore. There won't be a suggestion thread posted on the 25th, and there won't be a new poll in October, or any of the months following. That will be it, for now, as there always is a chance I'll be feeling up for doing them again in the future, but for the time being, I feel confident in deciding that this is the best thing for my art, for me, and for you guys.

It warms my heart to see what suggestions and feedback you guys bring to the table every month. I'm always happy to receive your feedback. It's so fun reading the inspired ideas you get from my characters. I'm touched you all love them so much. If you've ever given a suggestion to the poll, voted in them, or even just looked at them and went "oh ok" and moved on, I need to give a deep thank you for participating in a part of this community and sharing your ideas. It means so much to me. Sincerely, thank you. It's been a wonderful experience.

It's time for me to make art 100% the way I want to make it again. I'm really excited to keep creating, both for me, but also for you to look at and maybe go "nice" for a few seconds before continuing on with your day.
Much love ♡

TL;DR I'm stopping the monthly polls indefinitely to give myself more time and art freedom to draw what I want to draw. Thank you so much for the support, and for participating in any of the polls. It's been a super fun endeavor to do for so long! ♡




very new subber and I fell in love with the way you bring your sweet characters to life in wholesome and lewd ways, I implicitly trust you to keep doing that with or without our help


Wishing you all the best Kami. Your art is absolutely amazing & I look forward to seeing where you go next (: We'll always be here to support you.

D'Artagnan Wayland

Totally here for your work and your health together, not apart

That Curly-Haired Rogue

Bah! Don’t worry about any of us. You’ve got stuff to work on and do. So do all of us. It’s awesome seeing your work, but if you need time to just do what you want to, that’s none of our businesses to stop you. Take care of yourself Kami. We’ll be waiting here when you get back to it. Be well, and have fun. ^_^