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[Third Person's PoV] 

“So, what do we do with her?” Diego asked, looking at the girl lying between them.

Nathan, floating in the Flask with the Durango surrounding him, replied, “I’m more worried about what to do with this thing than anything else…”

“Can’t you, I don’t know, destroy it with your fire or something?” Klaus asked, looking regretfully at his flask.

“I could, but I don’t know what would happen next. It could recreate itself somewhere else as long as the Marigold inside us exists, since they’re kind of connected. I’d rather keep an eye on it so it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands… or anyone’s hands for that matter,” Nathan explained.

“Ah Nathan, she isn’t getting any better…” Ben said, his worry evident as he saw her breathing becoming faint and her skin growing paler and more discolored.

“Well, shit…” Nathan said, scratching his chin.

“WHAT’S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?” Most of them asked, uncertain of his meaning.

“Allison, can’t you use your rumors to help her get better?” Nathan asked curiously.

“If I could, I’d have become the world’s greatest doctor by now,” Allison scoffed.

“I mean, to be fair, you haven’t tried that yet,” Nathan said with a shrug.

“I suppose you’re right…” Allison said as she turned toward the girl. “I heard a rumor… that you were faking being sick.”

However, nothing changed except that the girl continued to grow paler. They all suddenly heard the Phoenix’s voice inside their heads.

*’What she’s going through isn’t exactly a sickness. She’s simply dying. What Nathan did is no different than siphoning the life force from her body…’*

“You couldn’t have stopped me earlier?” Nathan grumbled as he knelt beside the girl.

“You already know what I’m planning to do. Guide me,” Nathan said to the Phoenix, as one of his eyes turned ablaze while the other glowed bright green.

“What are you going to do?” Ben asked curiously.

“The Marigold and the Durango inside us act like a life force. Without that, she’s dying. So, we’re giving her my genuine life force as a substitute to make her alive again,” Nathan and the Phoenix’s voices overlapped.

As Nathan placed his hand over the girl’s chest, Ben shot out and stopped him. “Don’t,” Ben said with a serious expression.

“The more you delay this, the quicker she dies…”

“I don’t care. What you said sounded very dangerous. I just met her today, but you’re my brother, and I’m not going to make you risk your life over some girl I just met,” Ben exclaimed, his seriousness clear.

Both Nathan and the Phoenix chuckled and shook their heads. “You’re so adorable sometimes, Ben. Hahaha, I’m immortal. I have life force to spare. This wouldn’t kill me, and if I did die, I’d just resurrect.”

“Oh…” Ben said, growing embarrassed by his actions and words as he retracted his hands. The others looked on in shock at the revelation of Nathan’s immortality.

Ignoring their astonished expressions, Nathan closed his hands and began transferring his own life force to the girl.

The girl’s pale, sickly skin began to return to its natural brown, and her ragged breathing started to normalize. Glowing golden energy flowed from Nathan’s hands into her.

After a moment, her eyes fluttered open, revealing a look of confusion. Once she opened her eyes, Nathan stopped and began to stand back up. He tripped slightly, but Diego and Klaus caught him just in time.

“Woah there,” Diego muttered as he and Klaus supported him.

“Sorry, I’m just feeling a bit light-headed,” Nathan said, holding his head. “That took way more out of me than I expected.”

“Ah, just like a hangover. I understand your pain, brother. Don’t worry, as an expert, let me nurse you back to health,” Klaus offered.

“Klaus, if you give me anything strange, I will invade your dreams for a month and give you a constant nightmare of being trapped and strapped down in AA meetings.”

Klaus gasped dramatically. “I thought we were brothers! I wouldn’t even wish that upon my worst enemy.”

As Diego and Klaus supported Nathan, Ben helped the girl sit up and asked, “Do you have a name?”

The girl nodded. “It’s Jennifer.”

As Jennifer introduced herself, Reginald was helped up by Luther. “Take that girl back to the Academy for further investigation. We need to confirm that the Durango is completely out of her system and ensure it won’t pose a threat.”

The group exchanged glances, their expressions mixed with lingering shock and disbelief from Reginald’s earlier actions and the Phoenix’s revelation. Though they had been prepared for harsh truths, hearing them confirmed stung nonetheless. With no other options, they began making their way back to the Academy.

On the way, Nathan, now feeling more relaxed, and Klaus were engaged in a back-and-forth waving their arms in a slapping match against one another. 

“I told you I don’t want any of your drugs, Klaus,” Nathan insisted with his head turned away. 

“Come on, it helps with the hangover. I know you want it,” Klaus argued.

“If you put that anywhere near my mouth, I’ll turn it into a suppository,” Nathan threatened.

“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” Klaus replied flirtatiously.

In the middle of their vehicle, Nathan stood up slightly and tapped his elbow a few times before dropping it on Klaus, causing Klaus to scream as if he were being murdered. Luther drove with an awkward expression, and Reginald sat in the passenger seat, his face as emotionless as ever.

“Sorry about them,” Ben said, turning to Jennifer with an awkward smile. “My family can be a little much sometimes.”

Jennifer giggled and shook her head. “I should be thankful. It’s thanks to your family that I’m alive and able to interact with everyone else.”

Behind them, Klaus, Nathan, and Diego began singing a teasing song. “Ben and Jennifer sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby Ben in a baby carriage!” They sang as they swayed side to side holding up their index fingers. 

Ben reached back and smacked them repeatedly, his face flushed red. “Shut the fuck up! You bastards are annoying as hell!”

Allison peeked out from behind Klaus and Nathan. “Okay, but I can’t be the only one who finds the attraction between the two of you a bit weird, right?”

Vanya popped her head between Nathan and Diego. “Maybe they’re soulmates! Oh my god, maybe you guys are meant to be. That’s so adorable!”

Both Allison and Vanya let out little squeals, clearly finding the idea cute and romantic.

Ben continued to blush and slammed his head against Luther’s driver’s seat in embarrassment. “Not you two as well!”

“I’m sorry, my siblings… they’re idiots. All of them,” Ben gritted out as Jennifer sat beside him, a blush growing on her cheeks.



Thanks for the chapter 👋


Ben will find love yes