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[Third Person's PoV] 

The Next day… 

Tony, Melissa, Momo, and Toru were back in Tony's lab, with Toru excitedly experimenting with her newly discovered abilities. Her hands glowed brightly as she just shut off a beam of light from her palms.

“That was so cool!!” Toru exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

“Yup,” Tony began, explaining, “your mutation allows you to naturally bend the light around you, making you invisible. When you concentrate that light, you can weaponize it into an attack.”

Melissa was working on the other side of the lab and suddenly chimed in, “And... done!” She held up a belt with a V-shaped buckle.

“Here,” Melissa said, handing the belt to Toru. “This belt won’t shut off your Quirk since it's a mutation, but it should neutralize the effects, making you visible as long as you have it on.”

“Really!?” Toru squealed excitedly. She quickly grabbed the belt and wrapped it around her waist, but nothing happened. She looked disappointed. “Nothing happened,” she said sadly.

Melissa chuckled, clearly amused. “That’s because you’re supposed to activate it by pressing the V buckle—V for visibility.”

“Oh, oops,” Toru said, blushing slightly as she rubbed the back of her head. She then eagerly pressed the V buckle, and the light around her shimmered, slowly revealing her true appearance.

Everyone stared at Toru in stunned silence. Even Tony, who already knew she was cute, was taken aback by how adorable she appeared in real life. She had short, colorful hair, chubby cheeks, big round eyes that matched her hair color, and a cute button nose.

Seeing their stunned expressions, she tilted her head in confusion. “What?”

Tony, still in awe, simply took out his phone, snapped her picture, and showed it to her.

Toru’s eyes widened in delight as she saw her reflection. Puffing her chest out with pride, she exclaimed, “I knew I was always cute!”

“You look amazing,” Melissa agreed, nodding.

“You’re adorable,” Momo added with a smile.

“The guys in class are about to go absolutely crazy when they see how beautiful you are,” Tony teased.

Toru blushed deeply, covering her face with her hands. “Okay, you guys can stop with the compliments. I’m not used to this—it’s very embarrassing,” she said shyly.

She quickly tapped the belt again, turning invisible to hide her heated cheeks, and started fanning herself.

Then, with tears in her eyes, Toru hugged all three of them. “Thank you. I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life without ever knowing how I looked.”

They all patted her back, happy that they were able to help her.

Once Toru finished expressing her gratitude, Tony asked, “So where are you guys going to be interning?” He watched as Toru fiddled with the belt buckle.

“I actually got scouted by an A-rank hero!” Toru announced excitedly. “He focuses on indoor rescue missions, dealing with hostages and the like. He said he saw potential in me during my performance in the sports festival.”

Momo scratched the back of her head sheepishly. “I’ve actually been scouted by the 6th S-rank hero of Japan… Crust. Although, I wasn’t the only one—Kirishima was scouted too, apparently.”

Toru dropped to all fours in mock devastation. “Now my scout doesn’t sound as impressive or interesting anymore.”

“I’m sorry,” Momo said quickly, trying to console her. “I didn’t mean to make yours sound less impressive. Being scouted by an A-rank hero is a huge deal! It’s really great!”

“Momo, please stop,” Toru groaned, still on the floor. “Your pity is only making it worse.”

Melissa then asked, “Why would Crust want to scout you? Kirishima I can understand, but you?”

Momo’s turn to be embarrassed. She slumped down next to Toru, her face flushed. “He was so ashamed and embarrassed by how I wielded a shield that he said he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if he just let me be…”

Now it was Toru’s turn to comfort Momo, while Tony and Melissa tried—and failed—to suppress their laughter.

After a moment, Momo perked up and asked, “What about you guys? Did you manage to settle everything with America’s Number 1 S-rank Hero?”

Tony grinned confidently. “Yeah, we’re hella fast. We should be able to fly there instantly for our internship, so traveling shouldn’t be an issue.”

As the internship period approached, the students of Class 1-A gathered at the station where Aizawa was waiting for them. Each student carried their cases with their hero suits inside, ready for the journey ahead. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation, but it quickly shifted when they noticed an unfamiliar face among them.

"Hey beautiful, are you lost? Don't worry, I know my way around here—why don't I guide you?" Mineta said, attempting to sound charming but failing miserably as his expression revealed his true perverted intentions.

Toru, now visible and looking quite different from before, glared at him. "Mineta, if you don't get away from me this instant, I will not hesitate to kick you," she warned.

Mineta’s eyes widened in surprise, and the rest of the class looked equally shocked. Uraraka was the first to voice the collective disbelief. "That voice... Toru?"

Toru struck a pose with one hand on her hip and the other holding her case over her shoulder. Flashing a peace sign, she said, "The one and only," and then made a playful kissy face.

“WOAAAAAH!!!” The entire class erupted in surprise and excitement.

Everyone crowded around her, showering her with compliments. Toru blushed, rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment. "It's thanks to this belt Melissa, Tony, and Momo helped make for me," she explained excitedly, showing off her new accessory.

"Alright, quiet down, everyone. We're in public; please behave yourselves," Aizawa ordered sternly, cutting through the excitement.

He then turned to Tony and Melissa, raising an eyebrow. "What are you two doing here? Shouldn't you both be getting on a plane?"

Tony smirked, unfazed by Aizawa's question. "I'm the class president; it's only natural I come here to wish everyone good luck."

Kirishima, clearly touched, clapped Tony on the back. "Caring and wishing everyone good luck is so manly, bro!"

Kaminari, with a playful grin, added, "I would've thought you'd be here just to show off or something."

Tony’s smirk widened. "Who said I can't do both?" 

Tony and Melissa began to step back from the group, a mischievous glint in their eyes.

Aizawa narrowed his eyes, already anticipating what they were planning. "Wearing your hero outfit right now is prohibited," he warned.

Tony’s grin only grew wider. "I'm rich; I can get away with it!"

With that, both Tony and Melissa tapped the center of their uniforms. The fabric rippled and shifted, transforming into their hero suits—Tony's in his signature red and gold, and Melissa’s in a sleek purple and gold.

"Later, suckers!" Tony shouted as he shot into the sky, with Melissa following close behind, a bright smile on her face.

Aizawa covered his face with his hand and sighed heavily just as the bullet train for the rest of the class arrived.

High above, Tony and Melissa broke the sound barrier multiple times, the air around them crackling as their speed increased. Their feet joined together, causing the nanobots in their suits to form larger thrusters. They became nothing more than blurs in the sky, traveling from one continent to another with incredible speed.