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[Third Person's PoV] 

Everyone was soon lined up as they were given instructions about the tournament in front of a large structure building.

“Pretend that this building is the scene of a fire and enter it as you normally would in case of emergencies. Get past the obstacles, help those in need of saving, and reach the Brigade member playing the part of a Flame Person as quickly as possible!” the instructor instructed, motioning towards a man wearing white with a red hoodie.

Everyone around Johnny was psyching themselves up, while Tamaki continued to glare.

Johnny looked at her in confusion. “Are you in love with me or something?”

All that did was intensify the glare Tamaki was giving Johnny, which just caused him to wink at her.

“Your objective is to find the Flame Person and put their soul to rest as quickly as possible! Ready?”

The instructor made a finger gun with his hand, aimed it towards the sky, and shouted, “START!!”

Johnny grabbed and ripped his clothes off, shouting, “Flame on!” His entire body caught on fire, and he blasted off, leaving a trail of fire as he entered the building through the upper window.

Those below looked in amazement, while Shinra shouted, “You aren’t getting ahead of me that easily!” Fire escaped from his legs as he blasted off, following after Johnny.

Tamaki, who initially had a look of surprise, gained a serious expression. She went on all fours as fire began to appear on the top of her head as cat ears, while two tail flames appeared by her backside. She jumped high as she followed after them.

Johnny's flaming figure navigated through the corridor, effectively flying through tight corners. He then saw at one of the corners a man knocked unconscious being held by a man with a hat, a black bandana, and a cigarette casually hanging from his mouth.

Johnny came to a full stop and just stared at the man. “I take it you aren’t some sort of final boss I’m supposed to beat to win this whole thing, are you?”

The man just held his cigarette in his mouth as the smoke from it started forming into card-related shapes: a heart, a clover, a club, and a diamond. “No, I am not. I was cleaning up the trash so you can give me your undivided attention… Human Torch. Though there should be one more before I can begin…”

Johnny just stared in confusion until he detected Shinra catching up to him. Shinra appeared by his side and looked at the man in front in confusion. “What’s going on here, Johnny? Why are they like that? Do you know this man?”

“No, I don’t know who this joker is. It appears he wanted our attention,” Johnny said as he floated in the air, looking at the man with a narrowed gaze.

“Mr. Devil Footprint, as they say, speak of the devil and he shows.”

“Huh, who are you?” Shinra asked, looking at the man suspiciously.

But all the man did was laugh. “Funny enough, Torch here got my name right.” He tipped his hat towards them. “I’m known as the Joker. Thirteen to twelve years ago, it was during that time that a great fire befell both of your families, right? I bet you both have unanswered questions.”

Both Shinra's and Johnny's expressions turned serious as Johnny gave Joker a warning look. “If I were you, I’d be careful with my next words.”

Joker, however, just smiled. “I’m sure you want to know about the fire that took your older sister and father from you and made you into the Human Torch.”

He then turned towards Shinra. “And I’m certain you have questions about the fire that took both your little brother and mother and made you into the demon you are today.”

Shinra had his tense smile on full display as he didn’t know what to say. He then decided to focus on the one thing he could. “Just step away from those Brigade soldiers!”

“Huh? Oh, you seem to care about these men more than you care about the fire. Talk about a model fire soldier… I see, you two can’t focus on me solely because of these men…”

Joker then gained a sinister expression as a card made entirely out of fire appeared. “Then that just means I have to kill them,” he said casually, aiming the card towards them.

Both Johnny and Shinra charged towards Joker. Johnny had his fist forward with a punch, while Shinra began breakdancing and aimed a kick towards him.

The Joker simply blocked their attacks with his forearm. As both his hands were preoccupied, Johnny created fire clones and had them carry the men away from their battle and out of the building.

Joker only laughed. “I see, so I wasn’t your target—”

His words were cut short as Johnny gave him an explosive punch in the face, which sent him flying back. Joker flipped in the air and landed, sliding back. He spat blood to the side and saw that one of his teeth had fallen out, causing him to look at Johnny in surprise. He rubbed his cheek as he chuckled. “Talk about a mean right hook—”

His words were cut short once more as he was punched again by an invisible force. He held his nose and looked up in confusion, only to see that the Johnny who was standing still was only a mirage.

“Well, aren’t you rude—”

His words were cut short again, but this time it was by Shinra, who kicked him across the face using his feet thrusters as boosters to power up his kicks.

Joker then massaged his chin. “Now I’m pissed off.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bottle filled with ashes.

As he opened it, the ashes flew into the wind and drew close to Johnny and Shinra. However, before they could react, the ashes created an explosion, sending them both crashing against a wall.

Joker then created cards with intense heat and threw them all towards Johnny and Shinra as he went and attacked them head-on. One of the cards created a smoke screen, which he used as cover to hit Shinra with his elbow on the side of his head.

He then charged on and ran towards Johnny, who was by the wall shaking his head to orient himself. However, as he threw his  punch, his fist right through Johnny, who was only a clone and split into fire, the fire moved and transformed into chains that wrapped around him like snakes.

The Joker only laughed as he used his cards to cut right through the chains, causing Johnny to look at the Joker in surprise.

“Then it looks like it’s time to turn up the heat,” Johnny said, slamming his fist into his palm. The flames that covered his body glowed brighter and hotter, even Shinra and Joker, who were used to flame and heat, felt his power.

Joker winced as he looked down and saw that the floor was becoming hot, causing part of his shoes to melt.

“Talk about some serious power,” Joker grinned, his eyes twirling with madness.

However, he only tossed his used cigarette, reached into his pocket, lit a new one, and blew out smoke. “You know what? You two actually managed to earn my respect. I’ll tell you both an interesting fact.”

Joker looked towards Shinra first. “Your little brother Sho, he’s very much alive.” He then turned to Johnny. “Find his little brother and you shall find your big sis. Heh, it’s kinda funny how close you all are to each other…”

“What!?” Both Johnny and Shinra asked in complete disbelief.

Shinra's eyes shook in disbelief. “Sho… He’s alive?”

Meanwhile, Johnny floated down and de-flamed. He had a hand over his mouth. ‘So Susan is really alive… There was this voice at the back of my mind making me doubt it, that maybe everyone was right and I was imagining it to cope,’ Johnny inwardly thought before running his hand over his blond hair.

“Susan…” Johnny muttered.



All caught up thanks for all the chapter’s 👋 I hope Mc can pull a “Cruel Sun” from Escanor.