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The winner of this month’s main poll was Luz from The Owl House.

Since both Luz and Amity always win the polls I decided to increase the period for characters to be elegible for the main poll as well there will be more details on a dedicated post), and since they will be gone for a while, I decided to make a multi-character pic for them not to be missed that much.

For the dialogs this time I took some ideas from comments and made 2 versions, one the main one of a single pic, and an alternative 2 pic versions. 

That aside I think this one looks specially nice. Hope you like it.



Nekkie Kyu Bie

Love this so much!!! Looks like they're gonna be some big babies for a minute lol.

Nekkie Kyu Bie

Small spelling errors "Juts a few hours" on page 1 and and page 3 "They said they're okay being keep like this" should be Kept.