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The winner of this month’s Secondary poll was “Muy” from my “Trick or treat“ comic.

I tough about doing some sort of fan art or epilogue to the comic’s story, but couldn’t think of anything good enough; so instead decided to do a spiritual follow up to my Cinema anecdote pic since it features my avatar as well.

Another ABDL experience of mine:

Up until this day I still play Pokemon go. But at the time of this event I was far more into it yet a little bored of the game.
In all honesty the only reason I still played at the time was the socialization. 
I joined a group from my neighborhood and made some friends there, but we were not that close yet, and since I’m a very introvert and shy person it sometimes bothers me to hang out with people.
I got invited to a EX raid, but I already had plenty specimens from that Pokemon (I barely recall it being mewtwo, could be wrong ), therefore, in order to make this little trip a little more thrilling I decided to go padded. O////O
This would be the very first time I would be secretly padded around friends, people that actually knew me, and it was all very exiting. I wore very concealing clothes (the weather allowed it). 
It all went as planned, I got there chatted a little, we got into the raid and we defeated the boss. About the middle of the fight I got wet, since It was my first time It was all very thrilling. I’m not certain I was able to properly hide my excitement but I’m confident anyone would have thought I was exited about the game. :3
The raid was done we chatted little more while we captured some other Pokemon in the area, I was already very wet and ready to leave, kinda getting a little self-conscious, a little nervous and ready to say goodbye and call it a day, when this little jewel happened.
Out of nowhere this one friend said : “Have you noticed muy kinda looks like a meditite? Just picture him in a diaper. “ I felt my heart skipped a beat. 
The other guys from the group followed with comments like: “Yeah sureee…” “Are you in drugs?” and stuff like that. I felt the color had just gone back to my face when I heard another say: “ Hey don’t judge everyone has their own fetishes” everyone started laughing, I was red as a tomato. If I hadn’t been self-conscious before, now I totally was.
It all ended with someone saying : “Muy If I were you I would be carful about this guy”. To which I just answered: “haha .. yeah …“
Shortly after I went home, embarrassed and wondering if anyone noticed, or maybe that one friend did and was hinting something to me … and my brain was storming about it. 
Thankfully it was not. No one seemed to remember, care, or bring the subject again. Just my luck, I guess.

I know it’s not that great of anecdote, but I still think it was very curious. Anyway, hope you like it. n.n

BTW if you don’t know anything about Pokemon, or pokemon go:

  • Meditite is the Pokémon on the phone at the right bottom corner of the pic (Little, blue looks like it’s wearing a diaper).
  • A “Raid” is an event where players can get together on a location and challenge a boss (a Pokemon) and if they succeed in beating it, they have the chance to capture it.
  • An “EX Raid” was the same as a regular raid, safe for the fact that players had to be invited to it, either by the game itself of by someone who got an invitation and shared it with one other player.




Now, take a moment, if you will, to appreciate how vastly different that encounter would’ve gone if Muy had pooped in her diaper instead of just wetting it.


Oof. Do you still hang out with them or did you quit playing Pokémon go?