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OK … this is a long one, but I'll divide the information into this 2 sections; the first will be to properly inform you about what happened this last month(s) (if you wanna skip all my life drama just skip this one) and the second one is about how I will proceed on June’s content

What happened this month (May)

If you remember my previous ”news” post you might remember that I was recovering from a medical procedure, that kept me from properly working during April. Well, that is still, the reason I was unable to work this month as well.

Now, I won’t get into much detail but I’ll let you know the overall. I don’t know if you knowing this will ease the lack of content but at least I’ll get it out of my chest:

Since the beginning of this year I have been having some health issues, and last month I have a certain symptom that might have suggested a more serious disease. Due to this, I went to a medical examination that required me to be sedated and stuff, Luclky this went well and nothing wrong was found...

But … while I was out the doctor performed a non-authorized, neither asked for, procedure on me (supposedly to help with my health issues), so Instead of waking up to just get some news on my condition and a day of recovery, I woke up to a 2 weeks recovery … at the time I was so relieved from getting the good news that I just went along with it (since there was nothing I could do anyway).

But after those 2 weeks I was still feeling terrible, I asked the doctor for help and was given very little and ineffective treatment for another week.

So I went to another doctor, and after examination, I was informed that the procedure the previous Doctor performed had had a rare complication. I was explained that this complication had only 2 possible solutions, 2 weeks of medication, and if my body responded to it that would be it, but if it didn’t I would require surgery.

I am now feeling way better and was just informed this last week that I seem to be properly responding to the medication, but I still need another week and another check-up to see if everything healed correctly, yet the doctor was very positive about my recovery… Still… the surgery is not entirely out of the window yet and I need to wait for the final check-up to tell for sure.

And that is the story of how a relatively simple examination kept me 5 weeks at bed feeling terrible and unable to work, all while burning through my savings on medical care …

Next month June

Next week I’ll have one more examination, and hopefully, that will be it.

Still, since I already have so much work out of my schedule to do I won‘t be able to do it all before May ends. So I’ll need to work on it as well in June. But since I already owe you the missing content from both April and May there‘s just no way I can do June as well … normally I would just pause the billing cycle till I cleared all the content I owe … but my medical expenses and inability to work murdered my economy, I just can’t afford it right now.

So…  the best I can do is to compromise on doing the Tier 2 content for June (baby world page and the 2 polls artwork)

In summary, next month's content will be:

  • 2 pages of Baby World
  • 4 fan art poll pics
  • 4 pages of Baby class

(I don’t include the missing fan art poll from April cuz I think I’ll be able to finish that in May still)

And all this content will be available for Tier 2, that way if you supported those dead months you don’t have to pay the full price to access the content. (If you do wish to save the extra money you’ll have to manually change your pledge since I can’t do it automatically myself)

And finally, no commissions will be taken in June neither (I still have April’s ones to clear TnT )

I know this is not ideal and a lot of trouble, but there’s just not much I can do about it, I’m sorry for all the inconvinience.



I can live with being inconvenienced - and that really sounds like a less than good move by your doctor. Take your time.

Wittwe AB Grw

Just feew betters, surgin sounded wike idiots to do somefinfgs wifouts askys. And u hab Mes supports to hewps easy fings on u. Mes knows whats its wikes to stwuggwes.