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I have always felt that time spent on giving an excuse on why something is not ready yet is time that could be spent on doing it. I would rather fail trying to deliver something, than wasting time giving excuses on why I might fail to do so.  I don’t like wasting people‘s time.

That‘s the reason I didn’t made a post about this till now. 

At the beginning of January I got COVID. It was a minor thing barely different form a cold. (I am vaccinated and I truly recommend it ;D)  but it still was strong enough to take me out for a little longer week and a half and still have some minor issues still. 

That’s why at the beginning of this month I disappeared and had to work real hard to get things done the rest of the month, and was almost able to do it ;P

This pic you’re watching is a personal pic I wanted to make this month but there was not time enough, I’m using it for this post because I don’t want to use the “Sick Chibi Muy” yet again so shorty after the last one. Would feel to me like I’m always making excuses >o<

I’m sorry if I was not able to properly make all the content for this month u///u




Awwww Muy…

Wittwe AB Grw

Donts feew bads trues fans wiwws waits fors d quaeitys


Aw don't worry about it, you're epic. You've been pumping out art like crazy this month. If you ever need a break, you've definitely earned it


I don't mind waiting because greatness take time


You’re not making an excuse. An excuse is a reason to procrastinate something or a lie you tell yourself. I just hope that you get well soon.


Take care and feel better. Don't be hard on your self here, alot of people have found these goofy times come with yucky sick bugs that last a bit. Please take the time you need to reset YOU before rushing back to work. If you don't you won't be 💯 and then it's like 2 steps forward and 3 back, and I find those games not fun


Your health comes first, just glad you're feeling better.