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That image you can see there it's all of what is left of the comic's pages after my computer turned off without warning in the middle of saving the original file that contained the already completed 3 pages. Corrupting the file and leaving just that ... 

There was absolutely no back up or way to get it back ... I have tried everything I could think of to get the file back, it was unsuccessful.

So basically  I won't be able to catch up to everything that needed to be done about the project before the month ended. And since I lost everything but the sketches of those pages I will have to do it all over again.  

As you may think I'm extremely pissed off and I just want nothing to do with the project in the near future. So I think it will take me some time to gather the mental strength to do them all over again.

In short, thanks to the file corruption the comic will be delayed a month.

I know I'm in no position to ask anything , but I would appreciate some supportive comments. Feeling real bad right now.




Oh no bro :(


That sucks. Nothing is worse than when something out of your control decides to ruin your work...