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July poll let's go!

  • 1. JSDF phase 2 (previous second place) 7
  • 2. Cover/Overt operators (random) 12
  • 3. Mexican army (random) 2
  • 4. Russian Paratroops in Caucasus 2000s (random) 18
  • 2022-06-03
  • —2022-06-06
  • 39 votes
{'title': "July poll let's go!", 'choices': [{'text': '1. JSDF phase 2 (previous second place)', 'votes': 7}, {'text': '2. Cover/Overt operators (random)', 'votes': 12}, {'text': '3. Mexican army (random)', 'votes': 2}, {'text': '4. Russian Paratroops in Caucasus 2000s (random)', 'votes': 18}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 6, 18, 0, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 3, 19, 22, 13, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 39}


Long story short - you know the drill guys! Vote, share your opinions and ideas, propose new themes - let the fun begin!

You can always use this spreadsheet for reference of full list, if you don't see anything you want in it - write it in comments!: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12bgezooFsQWxeSnxMqR5lKQDSDYxBPrf_8B4fVUScg4/edit?usp=sharing

All my polls are held in a bit complicated, but more fair way to my opinion: Initial poll will have several subjects and if none of them will reach 50%+1vote, I will make second round with only two post popular choices. A bit like during elections, yeah.

1. JSDF phase 2 (previous second place)

Two years ago i've created my first ever set - non-modular JSDF infantry. This year. i want to celebrate it by making a phase 2 - totally new set, using all my experience and skills of last two years to make JSDF shine anew. It will NOT be replacement of old set. Instead, i will focus on another weapons (despite similar gear) to further represent JSDF beyond certain Gate

For Corporal it will be four models with Type 64 (bayonet version included!).

For Sergeant, i will add a model with Type 62 GPMG and maybe an extra special character, charging with bayonet (yes, i love bayonets).

2. Cover/Overt operators (random)

Not much to add. Models in "calm" and "alert" modes with compact weapons.

For Corporal it will be twe models in two poses each.

For Sergeant it will be three models in two modes each + set of heads.

3. Mexican army (random)

I want to focus on actual military rather than LE forces, so some SMAWs or Carl Gustav launchers will exist in pack for sure

For Corporal it will be XF-05 Xiuhcoatl rifles + at least one grenade launcher.

For Sergeant, I will add some more firearms (since Mexican army is super inconsistent, it may be something from AR platform, G3, G36, MP5, Minimi - you name it).

4. Russian Paratroops in Caucasus 2000s (random)

Often overlooked subject, VDV used some very interesting types of equipment i want to sculpt.

For Corporal it will be four models with AK-74, AK-74 w/GP, PKM

For Sergeant i will add disposable RPG firing pose (and probably body variations with them) and set of heads


Big Nick Rethemeyer

I already have so many "operators" that I will change my vote to whatever uniformed regular army is in the lead. Don't get me wrong, I like everything you do, but I can make ANY fig into an "operator" with a head swap or a different paint job... but getting something that matches up with a uniformed regular force is not as easy!

Big Nick Rethemeyer

I'm intrigued by Mexican national army for Narcos wars, but for now Russian paratroopers it is!


Would love to see some Iran/Iraq war style modular soldiers. Most of the small arms you have already done, would just be getting the bodies done.