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Hello everyone!

African reinforcements won the poll, so i want to discuss with you the next steps.

I had a thorough thoughts on which poses to sculpt and my proposal is following:

Corporal - four models. One with MG (transporting on the shoulder), one with RPG-7 (firing), one with RPG-7 and assault rifle (RPG strapped to back) and one more "NCO in combat".

Sergeant - option of FN MAG for MG gunners and extra heads wearing boonie hats.

What are your thoughts?



I'd suggest Model with MG (transporting on the shoulder). More dynamic pose, something Rambo style. Athletic african man shooting a machine gun. African Rambo))) Model with RPG-7 and assault rifle (RPG strapped to back). I would suggest an African warrior shooting "Somali shooting!" Model NCO in combat. The officer would be interested in a realy bastard, in Ray-Ban glasses, with a cigar, machete, amd big pistol such as a Colt barracuda or a desert eagle, if we consider a submachine gun, AKS74U is ideal.

The M

Could we get arms in the pose of the M2 crewman? It would make it easier to build some technical gunners.