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Warning! This chapter is lacking in edits. Editors are a bit busy. If you can wait, I suggest waiting for a week or two.

246 and 247 have been edited.

248 and onwards are still being worked on.

Chapter 251 is under construction and will hopefully be completed by the end of the week.

Give me title ideas, otherwise I'm going to name this chapter Quasi Eludo V3.


Chapter 250 - 122 Gaw:

"Aegir!" "Aegir!" "Aegir!" "Aegir!" Hearing his name, Aegir forces his eyes away from the floating ship and turns to Nickolas. The [Abbot] frowns when he sees Aegir's expression devoid of color. "Are you alright? You look as though you've seen a ghost?" Aegir swallows the spit in his mouth....


Jolly Jolly

In some places the ship is named iron shower, and others it's called iron rain. For what it's worth I like iron rain better.


He seems to switch between a drum and a guitar constantly? Not sure if that's intentional or not? Regardless thanks for the chapter.