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Right, so, one of my Editors is on vacation, another is excreting his guts out from some sickness, and my third editor lacks experience to do any significant, story changing edits. 

So, this chapter will be edited in the near future, and I will inform you all when it is done. If you don't care for a perfectly written chapter, feel free to read. If you do care, I suggest waiting.


Chapter 247 - 119 Gaw:

Merchant Lord Admiral] Testudo takes a deep breath from the balcony of his flagship, gracing his nose with the smell of dark coffee and salty sea air. The smell calms him, allowing him to deal with the anxiety inducing armada of enemy ships. About two hundred ships, all led by three of the ten s...


Aaron Hardin

The question is not if Quazi will do something crazy, the question is how far past insanity he will go. Also, how many crazy things he does. We should have a betting pool. I bet 7 different things that will drive his companions to ask what he was thinking.


A sonic boom in their wake while underwater? Air speed of sound is 343m/s, water speed of sound is 1,480m/s.