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New chapter! Yay. Also, we have a new editor. Please give a nice welcoming hurrah to Brandon. 

On another note, chapter 243 has had some enhancements. Nothing story related, but the scenes' are better fleshed out. Feel free to reread the chapter it you want.

Anyway, 245 is almost complete. If all goes well, it should release sometime this week.


Chapter 244 - 116 Gaw: Instructors

You have entered the dungeon, [Atlantis]. 'A dungeon? Here?' I muse at the system notification. 'I wonder if it's natural or artificial? Well, probably the former. I doubt Mimir would've allowed another artificial dungeon to exist.' I scratch my chin and lean on the rail as I watch the Dea...



I fucking love this series. I just can't find anything like it anywhere else. It's so much fun to read.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.