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Alright, so Amazon is being stupid with me and not letting me Generate free copies. Why? I have no idea. Apparently, I have to go do some weird pricing crap or join their kindle group. Which I cant because then they would force me to remove chapters from Royalroad. I don't want to do that...

Anyways, for those of you curious, here is the link to the Amazon book:


The above Docs file is the entirety of the books story content. All of it is edited by a professional editor that cost me an arm, two legs, and other parts of my body I was willing to part with. So yeah. Enjoy, read, and comment. If you are filthy rich or have plenty of money to spend, I'd appreciate it if you can buy the book and leave a review. 

Now then, I have to go shout out my book to everyone willing to hear it... also I have to release the patreon chapter in the next hour or two...


Inexorable Chaos: INAEQUO

CHAPTER ONE The Universe. The word gives no true context for the phenomenon. There are many universes, some side-by-side, some an imaginary turn away along an entirely different axis of reality. While the fact of multiple universes is immutable, the universes themselves are not. Realities are c...


Corwin Amber

This might be an odd question, but I'm wondering why you have the words 'INEXORABLE CHAOS' all in caps for the book title...? oh, and bought, and review added :)

Corwin Amber

Oh, and you might want to make a posting on RR about the book going live. I don't see one there yet. Or/And a post at the top in the description that book 1 is live on amazon with link(s).