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Sometimes, your author goes nuts. When that happens, chapter quality can go anywhere between awful  and insane, to a masterpiece... and insane. It's usually not in the middle.

Anyways, share your thoughts on the chapter.  I had fun writing it, but it might not be as enjoyable as I think it is.


Chapter 242 - 114 Gaw: The Bean

Merchant Lord Admiral] Testudo is one of the ten greatest captains on the ocean. He is sixth strongest, to be exact, not that the ranking is too exact since it only measures the strength of an [Admiral's] flagship. Yes, individually, five other captains could likely beat him one on one, but such...



But I feel the have a common ground and following craziness has been used quite a few times now with high lvl rulers


... Imma Walt through the door as someone who enjoys the Bean and tea equally. I want no part in this.