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My editor put a title for the chapter.

I don't understand the title.

So, I need alternatives.

P.S.: Also, one of my editors wasn't able to edit. So just a slight warning.


Chapter 200 - 74 Gaw: Wherein the [Author] learns to edge his readers.

"Hey, hey Jessica. Guess what I can see." "..." "Jess, cmon, take a guess. It's not hard." "..." "You know you want to guess, I'm sure you'll never figure it out," Quasi taunts and Jessica rolls her eyes before looking at Quasi. A bored Quasi. She's never seen a bored Quasi before.



Not to knock the story/ fresh chapters, but it kind of seems to be turning into a slice of life about random things. Exploring the setting is important and all, but for a book titled "Gods at War" theres remarkably little action. The first book was good because there was almost always some progress towards the ultimately greater goal of leaving the dungeon, these chapters, while entertaining, seem like mostly filler while you decide where to take the story. I understand the inherent difficulty of continuing on the path of a great epic to end the world, but I dont think the solution is to stall out the story. It just seems like theres no tension. We know lots of things are happening, between Rathos, the City, The Godess breaking free, the need to breed, and the various smaller conflicts going on / that one lady who escaped all those chapters ago and now nothings happening in the interim. It seems like all the plot points have been put on hold for a while so you can write humor about Quasi exploring the world and enjoying himself? And I guess that's alright, since it's your book and you can choose what you want to write about, but I honestly feel that 85-90% of the chapters in book 2 could be deleted or skimmed over and someone would still be caught up with the story. Anyways, not to discourage you, I've been reading this book since you were in the first 30 chapters or so, and I've enjoyed it immensely during that time. The pacing is just off. Like, if you go back and read the first book, you were able to keep the quirks and the story together in a coherent package, but here, not as much and its dismal sometimes, to see characters built up over 100+ chapters just set aside and forgotten.


I might have gone a little overboard on the length and complexity of the post dungeon chapters. My intention is to reveal the entirety of Orbis through various characters while shifting the world into position and introducing old and new characters. I do want to rush things along, but I unfortunately can't. Too many pieces need to be moved into position, all for the final scene of the entire novel. We still have the Empress Arc, the Pirate Arc, and the Dwarven arc before we near the end of the novel. And those are Quasi's parts. During the arcs, the entire world of Orbis moves. Things continue and shift. The ending will be glorious, but I must move the pieces into position first.


you mother fucker!