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Chapter 171 - 45 Gaw: A Pose By Any Other Name.

"Goddammit, he was right there! Literally there and I missed it," whines Franky. "Technically, you didn't actually miss it," Aodean counters with a smile and a sip of his beer. It's a fine brew. While the brewers of this world didn't have the same variety of craft beers and brands Earth had, the...



This chapter felt like a bit of let down in terms of my expectations. The previous scene had a grand build up to a fight between two epic monsters, and the beat down gets skipped over. I suppose it looks like details will come out in following chapters, but my expectations were a fight scene here and all I find instead is Quasi normality. Regardless, thanks for the chapter.


"Quasi Eludo Trolls the (other) World - Chapter 23 : Orbis"