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Yay. Another chapter.

Anyways... lets talk.

I need coffee. Lots of coffee, but I'm on a water fasting diet. I'm aiming for two weeks. One week is done, just one more to go. So yea, I am weirdly tired, which makes writing annoyingly difficult.

Anyways, I have a vacation on the 17th of this month from my day job. Unfortunately, due to a company extending a certain release date, I no longer have anything significant to do for ten days. So, I'm going to aim to write extra patreon chapters during that time. So, YAYYYYYY.

Aaaaannnnndddd, that's that. I hope you enjoy the chapter.


Chapter 129 - 3 Gaw: Making Waves

Sanavil is one of the most successful cities in the far south, a success born of its ability to produce food. It's a true rarity, given the difficulty of growing crops so far in the south. Despite that, Sanavil can still produce much food, all thanks to a powerful skill held by the leader of the ...



Those doors are of lousy quality


Thank you for the chapter! And big cheers for even more chapters! Tho I'm feeling bit betrayd about editors who seemingly cut off the part about Joker. Well I hope he gets a proper chapter at some point. I would guess he's sentient by now?