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Muahahahaha. Enjoy the awesome. And comment your thoughts. Discuss on discord. Scream profanities. Do whatever and I will still read it.


Chapter 116: Battleship

The wind screams wildly, howling like a wolf calling her pack for the hunt. Summoning them for the imminent battle. A herald of slaughter. ... "[Resurgent Melody]" A spreading song, a symphony of sound summoned by skill. An expanding enigma of power and potential. It begins, not with a whisper...


Corwin Amber

'Herbuild' -> 'Her build


Dam i wasn't disappointed! What an awesome chapter. I'm so lowing Quasis crazy moment's. I mean those are just genius ways to use these stuff. So huge applaude for writer to figure this out! I'm am amazed! And so glad I found thia book to read. Can't wait for next chapter! Ty so much!