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Chapter Thirty Two: Story Time.

I pace quickly back and forth, three pairs of eyes looking at me differently. One is looking at me confused, the second with reverence while the other stares at me with expectation. All three of these are centaurs, each dwarfing my size when standing. Luckily, they are sitting on soft furs so I ...



Bloody love Peter


Wow good story telling. I have never thought I would like info dumbing that much. Also you created believable background of the fight.


but I would advice you author to limit the sex or make it more orderly . I mean the mc is old person and I would think he would like stable life. So he could get married and have kids early on in the story. They could live in different houses because women tend to like to have their own houses and it is not like every woman is hungry for orgy.


My point is. You could add your own touch in harem story. And i would be very excited to see child born from egg 🥚. I also like peter


I want to say so much, but I won't cause it may spoil the story for you. Sowwy.