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Tell me if I need to change the chapter title or if it is OK. Were going back to Quasi after this.


Chapter: Twenty Eight: A God, A Hero, and an Assasin walk into a Bar

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM* An explosion of boiling blood, followed by the sound of it sizzling as it exits the mother rat's body as it lands upon the ground. The monster had died standing. The spell had cooked its blood from the inside, killing the beast while seemingly hardening its muscle movem...



So funny thing. I ordered a monitor online. I thought I got a super good deal. Unfortunately, the website was a scam. I got the money back thanks to the bank. But now I am shopping for a monitor again. Anyone have any recommendations?


I usually go for newegg.com since the reviews are more helpful when you're trying to decide which product is best. plus you can buy used or open box products that come out cheaper than the new ones. Good Luck!


I will look into it. Thanks 😸