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Full link episode 3. https://youtu.be/Ur7p7dX6JSk

Full link episode 4. https://youtu.be/WyjFn3BupBY



Jeff K

By the way Mary: in case you're not aware yet, the older white dude with the glasses who's always with Bunny Colvin is the real-life Jay Landsman. Not only was the character of the same name in this show based on him, but so was John Munch, a character from the shows Homicide and Law & Order: SVU. Also, the Ray Cole stuff in episode three was particularly impactful because the actor who played him had actually died, so this was basically their celebration of him on screen.

Jeffrey Miller

The thing I like about Tommy's character is he's the quintessential politician but still a believable human being. He has the narcissistic traits to be an ambitious politician, but he's not trying to enrich himself. He wants to win and he wants to make the city better because he loves the power and prestige. He's trying to do good because it feeds his huge ego.


Tommy Carcetti is one of the most daaaaangerous men in Baltimore. He would see this city burn if he could be king of the ash- wait, I might have the wrong show