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Full link episode 1. https://youtu.be/BwnDzyWRScQ

Full link episode 2.  https://youtu.be/0L-YjPfP72k

New show! I loved Band of Brothers and apparently they are working on a third show in this 'series', so I can't wait to watch this one.



Oh. My. GOD. 😁 So glad you started this show ❤️ Edit- I always have a million things I wanna say after you watch something I've seen- especially if I really REALLY love it like Pacific- but I'm gonna try to keep it simple tonight. Just as far as the timeline goes- these first two episodes take place roughly the same time frame as the first part of Episode 1 of Band of Brothers. BoB starts about six months after we joined the war and the first episode covers from mid-1942 to mid-1944, and then the other nine episodes take place over the next year or so. The Pacific actually starts right after Pearl Harbor in 1941 and then skips to summer 1942 when we land on Guadalcanal. And now, a complaint. You're watching too many great shows and I can't keep up 😆 I was thrilled when you started The Wire, and then yesterday you did the S1 finale and I'm like "gotta watch Mary's reaction, really hope she wants to watch Season 2" and then I'm at work tonight and an email pops up saying you started The Pacific?! It's too much awesome in such a short time 😲

Michael Chavira

It's strange that they removed the documentary intros from the episodes. There were interviews, and real footage narrated by Tom Hanks. This has been done recently. I've watched this series not too long ago on HBO Max, and the intros were still intact. The mini-documentaries were very useful in painting a bigger picture of the events that were happening all over the Pacific and back home. I wonder if this change happened when they started streaming the show on Netflix. Mary said she's watching on Netflix, I'm watching on Max, and they are both the same. Very strange. I wish they left it in.


I was gonna mention that also, it was really nice and informative to have T.Hanks give you some background info on what island they were getting ready to fight on and why it was important. Like, you find out why no one was waiting for them on Guadalcanal- because the only Japanese soldiers on the island when the Marines landed were construction guys building the airfield, and they understandably didn't wanna go toe-to-toe with Marines.