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Hi peeps,

As I've been saying, I am pre-recording a lot since we'll be away in january. So I wanted to put up some extra polls so I can record great stuff ^^. The winners of the extra polls won't necessarily be uploaded now, some will, some I'll use when I'm away :).

As I've been absolutely LOVING Christopher Nolan movies, I thought it was time he got his own poll! Always feel free to comment with genres/actors/directors/theme's that you feel like should get their own poll :)!


ron young

Seeing “Memento” on the poll reminds me of another great movie “Ravenous”, and that reminds me of “Dog Soldiers”. All great movies. You can watch the latter for free on YouTube.


Ravenous may not be for Mary... but yeah, that's a really interesting, unique, well-made weird movie. I heard some behind-the-scenes story once about the making of the movie (on a podcast? Long enough ago that I forgot where I heard it, unfortunately) and some chick was made the director at the *last minute* and was really set up to fail. It's impressive that the movie was coherent; that it was good is nearly miraculous.


I know this is an old pole, but I just wanted to point out that 1. Transendence is a terrible movie and 2. Nolan did not direct it or have any real involvement in it. It was directed by his former Cinematographer. I would also like to mention that I would love to see a reaction to Tenet one day.