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Full link: https://youtu.be/0ihBEfwAspc

Hi peeps,

After the intense sci-fi (wink) week, watching Galaxy Quest was a lot of fun. How it mocks something while using the same story line :). Great!

You will see Bernini still a lot this month, so that might be confusing, but this was actually the last video I recorded together with her. So it's a special video in my heart. 



galaxy quest patreon


David Olden

You asked how Star Trek fans felt .... well, I was an obsessive fan of ST as a teen (I was a lot like Jason Long’s character Brandon in this. ) I saw Galaxy Quest in the theater and I laughed so much, and so hard, that I could hardly breath! I adored Galaxy Quest! You’ll find many, many other Trek fans feel the same! And no, GQ didn’t mock Star Trek — it HONORED it. Remember: they needed the fans to help save them!

Kade (Sydney, AU)

Once you are done with the MCU, or if you need a "breather" as we say down under, try the genre-busters Kick Ass or the lesser known Mystery Men... both worth a watch. Both are in a similar vein to Galaxy Quest with their "fish out of water" themes.