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Hi all, welcome to some evening rambles! :)

This is the excel sheet I'm talking about, that I'd use to help you navigate through Patreon! :) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/119S66o_E0-LYcyhIgG7tpPVh1fsltuOfJ0REkBABhcU/edit?usp=sharing 


2024 08 15 23 20 55


Mr. Avatar

That spreadsheet is amazing, THANKS!!!!

Mr. Avatar

Pineapple! Also, I have a friend at work that would sometimes have emotional outburst and would send me a big, long text, four or five paragraphs long with his anger, even irrational anger sometimes. And the tradition we had was, I would read it, but not reply to it. And it was weird at first, but after a while it was a big comfort to him that he could rant illogically without someone fighting him and saying that didn't make sense. He could just say whatever without a response, and it was soothing to him. Conversely, I could offer that service to you if you ever wanted my text number and you want to rant positively or negatively about your child or anything and not get a response from me. That would be fine. You could rant in another language. I only know English. LOL Maybe you would just feel comforted knowing I was there without having to read a comment back comment.

samuel Jakob

I do enjoy these, its just great to hear how you guys are doing! Its always great to watch one of your reactions or something like this to relax, you just have such a relaxing and wholesome vibe. Its funny that you mentioned how you remember who gifted you which items because I remember that I messed up when I order for your wishlist (The triptrap seat) and didnt realise I could add a note :D Well anyway that made me giggle because I still remember you calling out in the stream you did, how there was no note and I just facepalmed because I didnt know that was even a thing I could do. :D I hope you guys have a great day and maybe enjoy some Pineapple. ;P