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Full link. https://youtu.be/oeougQ8oZiM




Tommy you moron, why didn't you consent to the consensual stuff, awww man.


It's pretty cool that you visited a black church when you came to America. (Side note- up 'til now I didn't even know you'd ever been here, hope we made a good impression.) My "church home" when I lived in the Deep South was about 95% black, and my first visit I was kinda like Tommy, just trying to clap on the right beat and figure out how to act lol. Black churches are... energetic 😄 You've somehow gotten a knack for posting Wire episodes with really good timing 🤣 First we saw the Key bridge right after it collapsed IRL, now it's the nasty political infighting while we're suffering through another round of nasty political infighting...