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Full link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Kadi8whkq8

I'm so nervouw because I recorded this one a while back and I remember being ... a little shocked :D.

Field of Dreams was the last exclusive to do really well on the poll, but I'm actually consider letting that reaction be edited and bring it to youtube. Would you like that? 




Last scene is a prosthetic btw.. and Mark Wahlberg still has it stored at his home ^^

Dave Becker

Not sure it was appropriate for Pikachu to be watching this one in the background. He should at least have had some shades over his eyes! This actually started me thinking about why Mary has a stuffed Pikachu in the background all the time, and why she refers to followers as "Choos". Is there some Pokemon connection here that I am missing? Just asking.