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Full link: https://youtu.be/06MxW8oq24A



Jeffrey Miller

I was lazy and didn't do almost any extra curriculars even though I was top 5% of my class. I probably had a decent chance at getting into the most prestigious public university in the state if I had actually cared enough to do anything after school. Also, for the record, the acceptance rate is low in large part because every kid in NC and many around the country want to go to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Yeah, getting into college in the US is ridiculous. The large majority of schools will accept the large majority of applicants. The "good" more selective schools don't necessarily provide a better education, but if it's a "good" school with a lot of wealthy alumni it can get you "in the door". Edit: "Bris" is the ceremonial circumcision in Judaism.


If you are wondering, the intro of The Sopranos is Tony driving from New York to New Jersey. The Sopranos is the mob in New Jersey, the New York mob does appear in The Sopranos but I forget when. Fun(?) fact, when they used to torture Jews a few thousand years ago, they would kill a man's children in front of him. After that they would castrate him and gouge out his eyes so the last thing he saw was his children die. The legacy for Jewish people is very important to them which is why I think the threat of castration was so effective against the son in law.