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Now, I want to introduce you to the strangest staff of nurses at Virginia Anya Hospital; To say that they are 100% alive would be a lie because they lack common sense and autonomy, they follow orders without objection and are very effective when torturing patients, which is why we have assigned them with our logistics nurses to serve as pawns.

More than humans, they look like machines or dolls, since they are the result of the resuscitation of nurses who participated in the Second World War, and although they have a sensitivity towards tickling and something close to a soul and conscience; The body of MANNEQUIN NURSES are the most efficient thing we have to extract information, based on tickle torture, from enemies of the Hospital, the Great Matriarch or those who have useful knowledge for us and do not want to share it, you would not like to have a session tickling with them, they are merciless and touch the skin with dizzying precision; Now follow me, I will teach you the logistics of the complex.

NOTE: Hu Tao is the patient in the drawing

Ahora bien, quiero presentarte a el cuerpo de enfermeras más extraño que hay en el Hospital Virginia Anya; decir que están 100% vivas sería una mentira pues carecen de sentido común y autonomía, siguen ordenes sin dar objeciones y son muy eficaces al momento de torturar a las pacientes, por eso las hemos asignado con nuestras enfermeras logísticas para que sirvan como peones.

Más que humanos, parecen máquinas o muñecas, pues son fruto de la reanimación de enfermeras que participaron en la 2da Guerra Mundial, y aunque cuentan con una sensibilidad hacia las cosquillas y algo cercano a un alma y conciencia; el cuerpo de ENFERMERAS MANIQUÍ son lo más eficiente que tenemos para sacarle información, a base de tortura de cosquillas, a enemigos del Hospital, de la Gran Matriarca o que tengan conocimientos útiles para nosotras y no las quieran compartir, no te gustaría tener una sesión de cosquillas con ellas, son despiadadas y tocan la piel con una precisión de vértigo; ahora sígueme, te enseñaré a la logística del complejo.

NOTA: Hu Tao es la paciente en el dibujo




So, since these Mannequin nurses lack common sense and autonomy what happens when they are tickled? Do natural reflexes kick in? 👀 i'm loving these characters! X3


That's right, even though they don't have a soul as such, they do have sensitivity, but it is very rare that they are punished or are test subjects, that's what other patients or enemies of the hospital are for.