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(Or feedback)?)

First of all. I'll continue the Slime Roommate comic next month. I'm recovered from the holiday hustle and currently fighting the cold weather gloominess so I gotta get back on track

Second point. I'll continue "One Step Further" comic as well

Third. I would love to have some feedback from you guys. Things like what you like the most, if you would like more silly animation doodles or internal views. Things like that

Fourth. I'm kind of running out of ideas so if you have any suggestion for me to draw I might do some of those

Fifth... idk, more streams)? yes/no?

Anyway, Comics return next month, maybe more streaming, comment whatever comes to your mind and... I should work on something for Valentine's Day



Eric Goodwin

The stream I happened to catch of yours and meet you in was fun. If you are comfy doing more I would love to hopefully make it into some more if schedules allow.


It's hard for me to think of further suggestions. I mean I've pretty much enjoyed everything you've done. I'm quite happy as a patron. >.<