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And the winner was Pool Party!!!

While Jim is having a good time with his friends at the pool while the pizza it's in the oven, Squirmy felt kind of left behind and anxious so he sneaks into his safe place, Jimmy's insides without anyone noticing.

Had so much fun designing his friends and I'm pretty happy with the results, now let's look out for some names, anything in mind? (they're a mouse, a shark and a squirrel btw)

I had the sketches for this idea like two months ago and I freaked out yesterday cuz a blackout happened just starting the lineart and I didn't save anything, like ANYTHING. I waited a few hours and the started the pc and Thank god Clip studio saved the files.

If it wasn't for that this page would've be posted yesterday

Next suggestion post will be up tomorrow so milk out your brain and get ready!!

btw what do you think about the "manga" screentones style? I'm not fully satisfied yet



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