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I'm not good at animation, ok?
And I absolutely suck at walk cycles, I just... haven't developed the patience and I get discourage VERY easily

But now it has a belly! That makes it better, right? right?? 

Maybe one day I'll look back at this this and be proud of not giving up

Happy July guys. It's my birthday month!




It’s all a simple matter of practice. You’ve got what it takes, absolutely! And soon we’re gonna see a walk cycle that looks amazing!


These are the types of comments that bring me back to. You make me want to keep practicing anim neglecting other stuff haha Hope one day look back and remember this


You're not bad at all! Your animations always have such a great sense of weight to them that I thought you were getting volunteers to live model or had been pregnant yourself. And the anatomy is usually grounded enough that anything unusual really seems like a deliberately chosen stylistic choice. I mean, each of your characters has their own way of moving, too. Like how Casey has a little flourish to his movements and emphasizes his hips, contrasted with Jimmy who always seems to be thinking about his posture until he relaxes, or Tim is constantly hunching forward slightly in a way that speaks to him subconsciously trying to hide his bump. (Pardon the long message, but I hope being specific helped)