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call upon the warrior

i call you

i seek you

come forth my animals

come forth my ability

evolve be see feel

you are her

she is you

you are you

the time is clearly now




release it

become what you know

what you feel

accept her

accept these gifts

you have seen it already

you have seen how much you have carried

how much you have done

how much you are

how much you can do and be

so let it be

it is begging you

it is craving you

these are the words of others

these are the echos of the elders

these are the feelings you have

let yourself die

let yourself come alive

i know you already know it

i know you can feel the work

the battle already


keep your throat open

let your hands dance



you feel her

you hear the vibrations

it is louder and louder

it is more than ever

be still my dear

you are where you need to be

your passion

you are wild

let her roar

let her scream

let her cry

let her moan

let her die

let her starve

but don’t forget her

she begs of you

you can’t turn away

the truth

the fulfillment of being ella

whatever that means

you are showing up

you are seen you are heard

i am reassured

my spiritual self is awakening

i am accepting and connecting to this physical

i do not resist the dark beauty

i am the dark beauty

i work in the anaconda

i sift through it

i see it

i welcome it

i crave for the black gold

let it drip

let it flood out

let me put you there

let me see you suffer

let me show you the wisdom

the darkness the servant of your light

the knowledge of your being

the love of you the love you are

come with me

let it go

feel it

you are here now

the power within you

harness it

utilize it

you are never without it

you are never alone

my guides sing

my guides dance

they rejoice

the remembrance

come home

come to yourself

your work is calling you

your work is within you

you are aware

you are aware it cannot be forced

come what may



the dark beauty way is calling you


be loud

your time is now

the timing is here

you are here

you have always known

the sense of difference

the sense of being

the sense of healing

tap tap

focus on ella

be in your tree

the time is now

ella is needed

let her be

let her see

the time is now

the warrior is called

you will fight the good fight

you will see what is to be

let what needs to come come

let what needs to go go

let what needs to be be

you are

you are

great spirit i call upon you

i seek your courage

i seek your strength

i ask of your guidance

in this journey

i know it is here

i can feel what is to come

there is so much unknown

i am aware of the awe

i am feeling the rebirth

i am feeling so much

oh great spirit

ella is ready

ella is here

thank you thank you thank you

i am here




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