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i used to go out all the time by myself

when i was in my later teens and early twenties. i would book flights and get myself into these conventions with no where really to stay but always figured it out - usually my sponsors or friends i knew of or teammates - i would jut crash with them. it was no big deal. i explored. i went around meeting people, representing myself.

so to have some paranoia as a 27 year old in a cabin by yourself at first felt odd and i was a little overwhelmed. but i realized it was just my awareness. i also watch so many crime shows, haha my fault there. but it was uncomfortable for me at first and i called my mom but seevice doesn’t work but somehow facetime so i do and talk and actually feel a little more stressed but happy to talk to her. called my homie i live with for a bit and felt funny and good. killed a bug.

i slept hard that night though

best sleep i had there hahahah

it went downhill from sleeping from there that bed sucked it was them mattresses that have a hollowed out oval of sadness in the middle of it. don’t know if that makes sense but yes

i hiked quite a bit

it felt so fucking great. i was running i was breathing i was seeing. i was feeling

sometimes i took my time other times i was typical mountain goat ella and moving along

the weather was amazing

i couldn’t have asked for a better intro and outro

i got to work on my insecurities and realizations of what i really need to apply more consistently of again.

i love me some structure

it’s a great thing i decided to compete

and put more serious goals into my tattoos

more serious ella pieces

more big

i envisioned a lot of paintings while out here

that’s nice. i wrote them down real sloppy like.

i hope to bang them out soon. i want them real big too. like them 98 + dollar canvases haha

i’m about to head to get coffee, a tad bit of gas, some water, head to the rental and airport <3

home tonight

i miss my dogs

i am excited about my structure

i am eager to excel in my being

i am aware of my brains moods and tricks

i see myself

it is dark but it is lovely because it makes my light so transcending, so real, so everlasting.

i have to go through a lot to be what i be and i’m aware of what keeps me in love with me so it’s just applying that effort again.

sometimes we get a little off so that we can relearn our priorities, ourselves, our desires, our perceptions, insecurities, strengths, fears.

we must learn ourselves time and time again.

i just treated this like a journal

thank you for reading if you did

and thank you most importantly for supporting me like you do.

much love




Alone time always brings more fruit than you think. Happy for you Ella. ~ 😊

James estrada

The energy and strength you expel is exquisite and alluring ella. 🙏❤