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WOD 5:

1 mile run warm up


15 kettlebell swings

10 jump squats

10/10 lunges w/ single arm kettlebell carry (10 with the ktbell on right shoulder, etc)

40 russian twists with med ball

6 broad jumps with sandbag toss between

10 goblin jump squats with heavy dumbbell

and go straight into a 100m sprint

WOD 6:


10-20 cal assault bike

30 second lunge hold w weight

40 walking lunges

10 ktbell front squats


15 cal assault bike

5/5 step ups with ktbell

15 ktbell straight dead’s

10/10 box jumps


10/10 plank row

20 walking lunges

WOD 7:


12 slow pull downs

12 slow cable lateral raises

12 slow cable front raises


12 (6 left- 6 right) single arm dumbbell bench press

20 fast bent over row with lighter dumbbell or ktbell

5th set of bench: drop set: 12, 12, 12, all out

*pyramid working up set of dumbbell seated shoulder press

20, 15, 10, 5, 10, 15, 20


30 slam balls

250m row


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