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Lately I been asking more questions. 

What does self doubt teach us?

> our strengthens and weaknesses 

> our areas of focus and attention 

> attitude check 

> overseeing/assuming 

> perfectionism ride over

> our personal velocity and grit 

> perception 

> insecurities 

> ill behaved habits

We must not be afraid to get to know ourselves on such a deep level, we need to be able to observe and recognize what makes us, us so we can better understand how we operate so that we can become better versions of our self. 

Approach yourself as if you were an animal in a zoo. 

You are observing the animal at an appropriate distance. 

You do not feed the animal anything outside of it's natural diet. 

You do not taunt the animal, throw things at it, be mean at it, you respect this animal. 

You have a deep understanding that this animal is going through some things and may not be where it wants to be. 

You must respect this animal for what it is even if you don't know what it is or why it does what it does. 

They can harm you if you harm them. 

Separate your own self from your self in order to make the two become one. 

We all have good. We all have bad. 

it is human nature to be so. 

What we do have the ability to believe in ourselves. 

Too many of us are seeking to get other's believe in ourselves when all we need is just one person to believe in us and that's ourselves. 


Respect and get to know your nature. 

What animal are you?

How are you that animal? 

What habits make you? 

What is your behavior like?

What are the positive and negatives?

Ask yourself. 

Observe yourself. 

Get to know yourself. 


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