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WOD 1:

10min active warm up 


15 half rep to full rep leg extensions 

20 jump squats 

after fourth set, do a 3 weight drop set on extensions followed with as many jump squats as you can (goal is: 20)


6-8 zercher squats 

15 wide stance kettlebell goblin squats 

4x: Single leg kettlebell RDL's w/40 walking lunges 

12, 10, 8, 6 (increase in weight with RDL's and keep the weight for the lunges)


20 side shuffle (10 each leg)

50 jump rope 

WOD 2:


12 back squats ^ steady increase if able

dumbbell (med to heavy weight) lunge hold (30second each leg)

after fourth round, perform your fifth back squat at a heavier weight to aim for 6 reps followed by 40 walking lunges w/out dumbbells 


6 straight legged barbell deadlifts w/3 second negative and 3 second hold at bottom. 

6 single leg squats w/3 second hold at bottom on bench/box

-100 various hanging leg raises-


20 leg extensions 

20 lying leg curls 

WOD 3:


800m run

20 pushups 

40 mountain climbers 

20 ball slams 

40 high knee toe taps 

20 sit ups 

WOD 4:


2 min incline run - moderate to easy pace

20 front squat w/kettlebell

50m bear crawl 

20 box jumps 

5 pull-ups 


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