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OOOOOPS my huge apologies for not getting February's head vomit in before the Month was over, I was real busy starting tattooing and attending the Arnold and then getting very sick. It slipped my mind but I kept thinking I was behind on something somewhere. 

Here is a collection of my head rambles from last month:


Study how you interact with others. 

Do you narrate as you speak? Are you intentionally listening or are you participating in a whole other conversation in your head?

Exploring your wrong doings is uncomfortable but it is the easiest way to find out how to do something better. You might find you have more faces than you think. 

Pain association has to stop. 

Linking others and situations with negative emotions and thoughts allows you to subconsciously create ill habits such as anxiety, nervousness, etc. 

Understanding the enemy is more than figuring out how they fight but why they are wanting to fight you. The enemy can be you. 

Why are you wanting to hurt you?

What makes you feel that way? 

Those who have encountered true darkness on a personal level will be enhanced with the ability to connect with others... This trait is only explored when the individual decides to stop running from the darkness and begins to love it. 

I am dark. I am light. 

How come we fear our pain? How come we fear our human traits?

We see superheroes in the movies have human moments, they fall in love and get distracted, they get hurt and quit, they feel inadequate. 


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